組長:謝湘汝 Group leader:HSIEH, HSIANG-JU 分機Ext.2111
註冊代理人一:李惠如 Deputy 1:LI, HUI-JU 註冊代理人二:陳曉萍 Deputy 2:CHEN, HSIAO-PING 課務代理人一:黃斐莉 Deputy 1:HUANG, FEI-LI 課務代理人二:鍾蕙如 Deputy 2:CHUNG, HUI-JU |
統籌註冊組暨課務組基本資料庫填報及教育部相關系統填報 Basic database, regular statistic reports of Registration Section & Curriculum Section 統籌彙算各項統計報表 Statistic reports of student status, academic scores and registration rates 統籌註冊組暨課務組法規修訂 Regulations of Registration Section & Curriculum Section 統籌註冊組暨課務組高教深耕計畫執行 Implementation of Teaching Excellence Project of Registration Section & Curriculum Section 統籌註冊組暨課務組各項業務 Other matters of Registration Section & Curriculum Section
組員:李惠如 Group member:LI, HUI-JU 分機Ext.2112
代理人一:陳曉萍 Deputy 1:CHEN, HSIAO-PING 代理人二:張中君 Deputy 2:CHANG, CHUNG-CHUN |
負責系(所):歐洲研究所 In charge of department (graduate institute): ES 大學部:法文系、數位系 College: Dept. of French & DCAM 專科部:法文科 Junior College: Dept. of French |
辦理學業成績優良奬學金 Academic Distinction Scholarship 轉系、轉學生報到相關業務 Transfer student and inter-department student admission 註冊組暨課務組網頁及留言版維護 Website maintenance of Registration Section &Curriculum Section 各學制排課作業 Curriculum arrangement for all school systems 安排授課場所 Arrangement of course venues |
組員:陳曉萍 Group member:CHEN, HSIAO-PING 分機Ext.2113
代理人一:張中君 Deputy 1:CHANG, CHUNG-CHUN 代理人二:鄭淨江 Deputy 2:CHENG, CHING-CHIANG |
負責系(所):東南亞學系碩士班 In charge of department (graduate institute):MSEA 大學部:日文系、東南亞系 College: Dept. of Japan & SEAS 專科部:日文科 Junior College: Dept. of Japan |
辦理學業成績優良奬學金、學業表現優異獎 Academic Distinction Scholarship 成績預警作業 Mid-semester grade alert 棄修作業 Withdrawal application 暑修成績處理 Summer study (class makeup) scores 輔系、雙主修及學程相關業務 Minor/double major fields of study and other school programs 轉系、轉學生報到相關業務 Transfer student and inter-department student admission |
組員:張中君 Group member:CHANG, CHUNG-CHUN 分機Ext.2114
代理人一:鄭淨江 Deputy 1:CHENG, CHING-CHIANG 代理人二:黃斐莉 Deputy 2:HUANG, FEI-LI |
負責系(所):英文系碩士班、翻譯系碩士班 In charge of department (graduate institute): ME & MTI 大學部:英文系、翻譯系 College: Dept. of English & TI 專科部:英文科 Junior College: Dept. of English |
國內交換生作業 Operation for domestic exchange students 辦理優秀入學奬學金 Enrollment Scholarship for Outstanding Students Scholarship 轉系、轉學生報到相關業務 Transfer student and inter-department student admission 籌備專科部低年級補考作業 Management of makeup exams for the lower grades of the Junior College Division 註冊組財產保管 Property management for the Registration section |
組員:鍾蕙如 Group member:CHUNG, HUI-JU 分機Ext.2122
代理人一:李惠如 Deputy 1:LI, HUI-JU 代理人二:陳曉萍 Deputy 2:CHEN, HSIAO-PING |
負責系(所):應用華語文系碩士班 In charge of department (graduate institute): TCSL 大學部:德文系、應華系 College: Dept. of German & AC 專科部:德文科 Junior College: Dept. of German |
執行各學制選課暨開課作業 Course selection and offerings of all school systems 網路初選暨加退選課作業 Online first-stage course selection and the adding/dropping of courses 跨部選課作業 Cross-registering of course 校際選課作業 Cross-campus course selection 國際交流學生選課作業 Course selection for international students 普通教室借用作業 Management of classroom reservation 籌備課程委員會事宜 Affairs related to the Curriculum Committee 籌備特色課程相關事宜
組員:黃斐莉 Group member:HUANG, FEI-LI 分機Ext.2123
代理人一:鍾蕙如 Deputy 1:CHUNG, HUI-JU 代理人二:李惠如 Deputy 2:LI, HUI-JU |
負責系(所):國際企業管理系碩士班、創意藝術產業研究所、國際事務系碩士班 In charge of department (graduate institute): MBA, CAI &MIA 大學部:傳藝系、國事系、國企管系 College: Dept. of CA, IBA & IA |
雲端學園(Cloud E-Learning)平台管理相關作業 Cloud E-Learning Platform management 暑修作業 Registration for summer study (class makeup) 教學意見調查實施作業 Management of mid-semester and end-of-semester surveys regarding students’ opinions towards lectures 核算每月授課及調代補課鐘點時數 Calculation of monthly teaching hours and the added/deducted hours due to change of classes
組員:鄭淨江 Group member:CHENG, CHIAN-CHIANG 分機Ext.2124
代理人一:黃斐莉 Deputy 1:HUANG, FEI-LI 代理人二:鍾蕙如 Deputy 2:CHUNG, HUI-JU |
負責系(所):外語文教事業發展研究所 In charge of department (graduate institute): LECI 大學部:西文系、外教系 College: Dept. of Spanish & DFLI 專科部:西文科 Junior College: Dept. of Spanish |
執行課務組高等教育深耕計畫-替代課程 Management of the Executing Higher Education Sprout Program 輔系雙主修學程選課作業 Course selection for double major/minor 各學制教學綱要管控 Management of curriculum guidelines for all school systems 教師調補課作業 Assisting teachers with leave-taking, class makeup and class rescheduling 特殊生教室調動作業 Management of classroom reservation/rental for physically or mentally challenged students 籌備專科部低年級補考作業 Management of makeup exams for the lower grades of the Junior College Division 課務組財產保管 Property management for the Curriculum Section |
共同業務 |
學籍資料彙編 Compilation of student status 彙編註冊須知及註冊相關事宜 Registration information 整理新生資料及資格審查 Compilation of freshmen data and verification of their qualification 辦理休學、退學、復學作業 Temporary suspension of schooling, dropout and resumption 已畢業生更改學籍資料內姓名、生日等相關資料 Change of graduate’s status (name, date of birth etc.) 處理期中、末考成績及寄送等相關作業 Operation for mid-term and final exam 整理應屆畢業生資料及畢業資格審查 Data on graduating students and their qualifications 畢業證書印製、發放及畢業人數統計 Printout and issuance of diplomas and statistics of graduates 辦理免修及抵免作業 Waiver of courses and credit exemption 學生證製作與補發作業 Production and re-issuance of student ID cards 與學籍或成績有關之各類證明文件申請 Application for various certificates related to student status and academic scores 臨時交辦事項 Temporary matters |
全校課程地圖資料管控 Maintenance of Curriculum Mapping 試務作業 Scheduling of general course midterm and final examinations 轉學(系)生選課作業 Course selection for transfer students 復學生選課作業 Course selection for re-entry students 各學制開課作業 Course offerings of all school systems 受理各學制學生個案申請作業 Management of the application forms 受理課程綱要申請 Management of the applications for the amendment of curriculum guidelines 臨時交辦事項 Other duties as assigned